Fuzzy Blobs

Written by Tim on 9:34 AM

Fuzzy Blobs
Originally uploaded by tastefulTN.
Sometimes it comes down to a point in one's life where you don't remember where or how or why you're going to a certain place, or what exactly was so special about it in the first place. Also at this time you'll forget where you've been, how you got there in the first place, and also what it was about this place that was so special that made the former instantiation of you so desparately want to get there. The lights surrounding you look vaguely like black blood splotches and you can't recognize anyone's features. It is at this momment that you close your eyes, start screaming at the top of your lungs, and begin drinking heavily. This is, and above all things will always be, the only truth I've learned.

Everything I say is a calculated fabrication of the truth.

The End.

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